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Create Your Own Endowment

Endowments provide a stable source of funding for the projects and programs that restore and preserve the health of the parks and further engage Monmouth County communities with our magnificent parklands. You may wish to create an endowment for a program that is especially dear to you, or you may wish to create an endowment in your name or that of a loved one for the general support of the parks. Here is what you need to know:

  • An unrestricted endowment may be created in your name or that of a loved one with a minimum gift of $10,000.
  • A restricted named endowment may be created in your name or that of a loved one with a minimum gift of $50,000. Areas to which you might like to restrict your endowment include, habitat restoration, trails, landmarks and educational programs. Please contact the Friends’ office to ensure that the restriction reflects both your philanthropic goals as well as the needs of the Monmouth County Park System.
  • Endowments created by will or living trust. The following language may be used by you or your attorney:

I give [choose one: ______ percent, ______ dollars, _____ percent of the residue of my estate the residue of my estate,] to the Friends of the Parks, a New Jersey nonprofit corporation, the income only to be used for the following purpose: _______. If, in the future, the Board of Trustees of the Friends of the Parks determines that the income of this fund cannot be usefully applied to such purpose, it may designate that the income be used for that purpose that will most nearly accomplish my wishes.

For more information, please contact:

Maria Wojciechowski  
Executive Director
Friends of the Parks
P.O. Box 686
Lincroft, NJ 07738-0686
Tel: 732-842-4000, ext. 4332